How to Delete your Reddit Account Permanently?

Reddit is a huge platform that provides lots of information and which also has millions of active users. It is a great platform to gather news and information. However, if you want to delete or deactivate your Reddit account then you are at the right place. Here in this article, I am going to give you simple and easy steps to delete your Reddit Account Permanently.

Why Do People Delete Reddit Accounts?

I have researched a lot and finally find out the reason behind deleting the Reddit account permanently. I have checked out the Reddit comments and discussion section there and I get to know the main reason. So the main reason to delete Reddit Account Permanently is that the people do not want that the stalkers will get too much information about themselves. There is also a piece of news spread that the CEO of Reddit- Huffman can edit any part of the site and also can change anything. That is why the number of Redditors thinks that their data is at risk it would be manipulated. 

Reddit is the platform of controversy as this platform provides much information. Many Reddit vulnerabilities have been exposed for many years like hacking of a nude photo of a celebrity, removal of warrant canary in 2016 that states that the site will handover their user’s information to the government authority. 

Delete VS Deactivate Reddit Account

Delete and Deactivate both are different words with different meanings. Deactivating means that you are going to disable your Reddit account for a temporary basis which is not possible because Reddit does not provide a Deactivation feature. You will get the Deactivating feature on Instagram, a Facebook platform where you can easily disable your account for a few days.

Deleting an account means that you are going to delete your account permanently which means your Reddit account can not be recovered if you will delete it. So Reddit only provides a deleting option. You can only Delete a Reddit Account Permanently.

Steps of How to Delete Your Reddit Account Permanently?

If you have finally decided to delete your Reddit Account permanently then follow these step-to-step guide-

Step 1- Login to Your Reddit Account

Step-1 How to delete reddit account permanently

Step 2- Click on the Right Side “User Icon” and then select “User Settings”. 

Step-2 How to delete reddit account permanently

Step 3- Scroll Down the Page there you will get the ‘Deactivate Account” button. Click on that button.

Step-3 How to delete reddit account permanently

Step 4- Re-Enter your login details and then choose the deactivation reason & Click Deactivate

Step-4 How to delete reddit account permanently

Step 5- Congratulations! You have deleted your Reddit Account Permanently.

Step-5 How to delete reddit account permanently

Note*- If you want to deactivate your account for a few months or a short period of time then you need to know that the website does not allow temporarily delete options. 

How to Delete Your Reddit Account Permanently on Phone?

If you have a Reddit App on your Mobile Phone and you want to delete your Reddit Account Permanently then you need to follow the certain steps which are mentioned below-

Step 1 – Go to the Reddit “App”

Step 2- Sign in to your account by using your username and password.

Step 3- Click on Your profile which is at the top left corner of your app. By clicking on your profile you will get a menu list

Step 4- Click on the “Settings” at the bottom of the menu

Step 5- Scroll down and there you will find a Support section that includes the “Help Faq” option. Click on that option.

Step 6- You will be redirected to the official website of Reddit and there you will get a search bar. You only need to type Deactivate on the Search bar and click on the Search icon

Step 7- You will get a post on “How to Deactivate My Account”. Click on that post

Step 8- In that post, you will get a clickable link on anchor tech “this link”. Click on that link

Step 9- Re-login your Account and give them a reason to deactivate your Reddit Account

Step 10- Give your login details again and then check the box of “I understand that deactivated accounts are not recoverable” and then click on “Deactivate”.

By using These simple steps you will be able to remove your Reddit account from the App.

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