Need for best and pocket-friendly web hosting services? Lunarpages is here to fulfill your needs. The company comes up with excellent and low-cost hosting services. Lunarpages deals with affordable plan package to accomplish your online desires. The company makes all possible efforts to get you to avail the best and affordable web services. You can get hosting for any website whether it is for personal or for business purpose. You can get your online space at a very low-cost with Lunarpages Discount Deal. Get an exciting deal on the particular hosting package and save lots of dollars with the purchase of Lunarpages.
Lunarpages- Web Hosting, Domains, and Website Builder
Web Hosting Plans
- Personal Hosting Plan- The plan includes the control panel and web scripts with a free website builder.
- Business Hosting Plan- In this plan you will get Control Panel, Dedicated IP Address, Free Website Builder and SSL Certificates.
- Reseller Hosting- Here you will get full control over the Cpanel which makes you create personal Cpanel for your Clients.
- Scalable Cloud Hosting- You will get the ease of virtualized solutions, Cpanel, and Dedicated IP address feature.
- Dedicated Hosting- This hosting plan will give you the power, speed, and special control over the server.
- DNS Management
- Domain Forwarding
- Domain Locking
- Free Subdomain included
- Domain Privacy
- Auto Domain Renewals
Website Builder
- Responsive Themes
- Easy Drag and Drop Interface
- Built-in SEO
Save Lots of Dollars with Lunarpages Offer and DiscountVoucher
Lunarpages is one of the finest platforms to start your website. Here you will get almost all the facilities by which you can make your existence online. The company offers Lunarpages Discount Voucher to give you heavy discounts on dealing with Lunarpages. Get maximum benefits of the latest and exciting deal with the purchase of the company.